5 Items That Increase Construction Costs

photo of a newly renovated kitchen

When building, there is always a sacrifice between items you really want in your home, versus what you can afford.

Sometimes it's not possible to have all the things you want and cuts have to be made. The following items blow out building costs and highlight where the budget can be saved.


5 things to keep in mind


Higher ceiling heights

The average ceiling height is between 2.4-2.6m.

Once the ceiling starts to get higher, more wall=more money.  


Polished Marble and Granite

These materials are heavy and fragile, and due to the extensive labour process of sourcing and cutting the stone (which is also usually available in limited quantities as it is natural), this is a costly product to use in the home. It does however, last for decades.


Custom Made Kitchen Cabinetry 

Everything from cutting the individual pieces of the cabinetry, to delivery, to installation, ensures that kitchen cabinetry blows out construction costs. 


Heavily Tiled Bathrooms

The labour involved in tiling a large area can often bring up costs more than expected. This is why numerous owners choose to tile their bathrooms 3/4 of the way up, instead of tiling the entire wall.


Wider than average room widths

Wider rooms place more emphasis on the structural aspects of construction - such as the addition of columns or beams to support the room- and therefore need more planning, as well as more labour in order to execute the job. 


Common Costs in the Home Building Process


The Home Renovation Process